Discover interesting TXs and blocks on Cardano | Visual Blockchain Explorer for Cardano
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Discover interesting TXs and blocks on Cardano

Interesting blocks and transactions grouped by various metrics such as:

Most native Cardano transactions in a single block

Total number of pure Cardano transactions in a single block


Created: 01/04/2023

Epoch: 379

Block Height: 8096818

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Maximum ADA value within a single block

Maximum ADA value of a single ADA transaction within one block

1324646034 ₳

Created: 03/20/2024

Epoch: 473

Block Height: 10079657

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Highest TPS to unique recipients

Total number of assets transferred to foreign accounts calculated per account model TPS

82.75 TPS

Created: 09/24/2024

Epoch: 511

Block Height: 10876093

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Total ADA value transferred in a single block

Sum of all ADA transactions within a single block

1443852594.85 ₳

Created: 03/20/2024

Epoch: 473

Block Height: 10079657

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Most NFTs transferred in a single block

Total count of NFTs transferred to foreign accounts in a single block


Created: 09/24/2024

Epoch: 511

Block Height: 10876093

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Most unique recipients in a single transaction

Total number of unique recipients in a single transaction


Created: 08/09/2023

Epoch: 429

Block Height: 9138412

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Most assets transferred to external accounts in a single block

Total number of assets transferred to foreign accounts in a single block


Created: 09/24/2024

Epoch: 511

Block Height: 10876093

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Most scripts in a single transaction

Total number of scripts in a single transaction


Created: 06/24/2024

Epoch: 493

Block Height: 10487529

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Theoretical throughput based on all outputs

Theoretical throughput if every output had a unique recipient

476.5267175572519 TPS

Created: 08/22/2023

Block Height: 7440620

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Theoretical throughput when utilizing 100% block size

Maximum possible TPS (Transactions Per Second) throughput

385.52380952380946 TPS

Created: 01/04/2024

Block Height: 9078363

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Highest fee within a block

The highest block fee ever paid

44874.74 ₳

Created: 09/20/2024

Epoch: 510

Block Height: 10859425

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